Your diet, your business and you

The holiday parties may have you binging on food that it’s time to shed the unwanted fats and get into shape. The new year calls for a new you – a better and healthier version of yourself. You may want to hit the gym, do some physical activities, or watch your diet. But it’s always good to do some research before you decide the right course for you, as a particular activity or diet may pose risks to your health.


Let us take a peek at the different kinds of diets to orient ourselves with how they affect our body. People go on a diet for various motives, may it be for weight loss, lifestyle change, or medical reasons. Should you decide to choose a particular path, remember that it is something you are bent on doing for the long haul. Like in business, opting for particular food intake is a commitment to achieve the expected results. We can also get some ideas from the types of diet on how we can improve on running our business.

Paleo diet

As the name suggests, the Paleo diet is eating foods taken by our ancestors during the Paleolithic Era. The premise is that farming, agriculture and processed foods are a mismatch to our body. Mimicking the sustenance that cavemen consumed in the early days meant eating food that is high in fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals.

There may be skills or people that are a mismatch to a certain role or position. Having regular team building or skills audit will help you determine how to hone your team and assign the right people with the right skills to the job that fits them in your organisation.

Ketogenic diet

The term “ketogenic” comes from the word “ketones”, the tiny fuel molecules produced when the liver breaks down fats in the body. Ketosis happens when the body is low in glucose, so the brain shifts to ketones to keep the body going. This diet involves ingesting low-carb, high-fat food.

Often in business, we tend to concentrate only on the “glucose” or the biggest thing that keeps us going. Always have alternatives. Have a plan B, C or D in place. Do not put everything in one basket. Diversify the sources of income. Do not limit yourself with only a handful of clients or offerings. Come up with succession planning in your structure.

Atkins diet

Dr Robert Atkins is a cardiologist that introduced the Atkins diet. It also works based on the principle of ketosis. There are four phases in this diet where intake of carbohydrates is cut down while consuming protein. The last phase reintroduces carbohydrates, but in controlled portions and select types only.

A healthy dose of everything is also a good lesson in business. Look at your books and see where you spend the most. You can manage your finances by taking measures to infuse change until you get a steady flow of your income and expenses.

The Zone

Balancing one’s diet is the principle behind the Zone where a plate is composed of a bigger portion of low-glycemic carbohydrates, smaller portion of lean protein and a bit of monounsaturated fat. It’s objective is to reduce inflammation in the body.

Some business owners tend to spend the majority of their time on their ventures. Even outside of work, they still think about it and rarely switches off. While passion and dedication are important, too much focus on work may also result in burnout and illnesses. Take time to enjoy the other aspects of life.

Blood-type diet

Created by Dr Peter D’Adamo, this kind of diet works on the premise that there are food types that react differently depending on the blood type. According to him, the lectins or protein components of food tend to bind with antigens on our blood cells that result in agglutination. To counter this, he has a recommended list of foods to eat and to avoid for various blood types.

Every business, market and industry has varying dynamics at any given time and space. There is no single clear-cut formula for success because certain methods may work differently in various situations and characteristics. Thus, it is important to test and research which ones may work for your business.

In the end, it is always best to consult with an expert, whether it’s for your body’s health or your business’ well-being. If you are bent on going on a strict diet, a nutritionist or a physician can shed more light on the best method to go forward. You may also find clubs composed of people who are already in the process of dieting, and they can be your support group. As to entrepreneurship, a mentor or an organisation of like-minded business people can help you look after your growth and that of your enterprise. Joining groups like EO Melbourne can be a great venue for you to learn and increase your business knowledge.

Whatever path you want to take, it’s good to have people to be with you on your journey. With the right company, you can meet the challenges ahead and continue towards your goal because you have fellow travellers who walk with you.