Accounting tips for your business

Keeping up with your finances is always a major hurdle when it comes to managing your venture. Accounting is a key element that you must carefully pay attention to when running a business. Being conscious of your cash flow is important given that so much investment goes to setting up and maintaining your business, whether it is self-funded or financed by investors. Moreover, it is the lifeblood of your enterprise, which is why you need to go over your books even if you are not good with numbers or merely not fond of them.


For startups and those scaling up, here are a few tips you can note to help you manage your accounts.

1.       Have a proficient accounting software and system in place

An accounting system allows you to track, keep and organise your records. You can also automate your methods and incorporate this to your system. Fine-tune your methods and procedures to put in place a proper order of how things should be done and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

You can choose from any of the accounting software available for businesses. Take a look at the one that is most suitable for your operations and install it in your devices. Have yourself and your team trained on the proper way of using the software to make it more efficient and fast in implementing the system in your day-to-day activities.

2.       Familiarise yourself with the basics of accounting

When starting out, business owners usually do everything by themselves. However, whether you have to personally do the recording of your finances or have someone do it for you, it is still advisable that you know the fundamentals of accounting. It also makes it easy for you to understand the numbers and interpret them. That way, you know when something’s amiss or when you need to pay more attention to a certain part of the business.

3.       Hire a dedicated person to do your accounting needs

Being on your own at the initial stage of your venture is not an uncommon situation for entrepreneurs. But as you go along your journey, you may realise that there is a need to have another person do your accounting work. Whether it’s a full-time staff or a third-party contractor, you need to delegate the finance job to a particular person or team because it will take too much time and effort to constantly do it. In addition, it needs do be done in a detailed and meticulous way to make sure that records are accurate and regularly updated.

4.       Document and record transactions

Always keep and file your receipts and financial documents. It is needed for auditing purposes. Plus, it is also to your benefit and future reference when everything is put in black and white. Better to digitalise your files and save them on your computer so you can store them without taking up too much physical space. Don’t forget to back up your files and keep multiple copies. On another note, be conscious of tax requirements and deadlines and make sure you comply with them. A clean record of your finances will be helpful for auditing and tax filing.

5.       Segregate expenses

Even when you are starting out small, always separate your personal from your business expenses. As you expand, make sure that you segregate budget and expenses per project or department. This also makes it easy for you to track money that comes in and out of your business.

6.       Do regular financial check-ups and reporting

Filing, monitoring and reporting financial transactions are tedious work. However, they come in handy when you maintain a rhythm. Reporting allows you to be conscious of your current financial status. You learn from previous data, which you can use when you plan your future and forecast your earnings. Regular accounting check-ups contribute to the financial health of your company.

When in doubt or when problems come your way, always consult an expert. You can refer to certified accountants and fellow entrepreneurs regarding efficient accounting procedures and systems that can help your business grow. Observe good financial practices to avoid drawbacks that you may encounter in your entrepreneurial journey. Accounting is a serious matter because the numbers you see in your