Motivational quotes from EO Members from around the globe

“When things get exceptionally difficult to handle, I often fall back on quotes that I’ve saved or memorized for inspiration and hope.

I’ve been saving quotes for years — they’re scribbled in the inside of matchbooks, or highlighted in yellow, gems of light gathered in well-worn notebooks.

Sometimes they’re fortunes from cookies, often they’re arranged and rearranged on a bulletin board stretched on a canvas with beige linen fabric.”

- Kalika Yap, Founder and CEO of Citrus Studios and

EO Global Communications Committee Member and Member of EO Los Angeles

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Quotes. We all love them. And they often come in handy when we are facing our best or even our worst situations.

A great way to start the new year is to take inspiration from entrepreneurs who have faced so many challenges and made through them with their passion and determination. Whether it’s a little push to keep you going, a new idea that you can bring to your journey or a thought that will let you take a giant leap, these nuggets of wisdom will help guide you to move forward towards your goal.

Entrepreneurial insights

It’s always good to hear the experience and learnings of other entrepreneurs, especially those who have taken the journey ahead of you. If you will browse through various EO online resources, you will find inspirational insights from EO members across the globe.

“Corporate culture is the most important asset in any business. It needs to be defined and deliberately nurtured to avoid a default culture that doesn’t serve your goals or your team.”

- Will Scott, Founder, Culture Czars® and

Finance Chair and President-Elect of EO Wisconsin

"As an entrepreneur, you have to be quite visionary. But not just visionary, you have to be willing to drive it. You have to drive it.”

- Dean Cherny, Founder and Director at Marketing Melodies and

Past President (2018-2019) of EO Melbourne

“I would tell myself: Trust yourself; have confidence in yourself. But also surround yourself with people who give you confidence — because they are so highly capable and confident themselves.”

- Melissa Harris, the CEO and founder of M. Harris & Co. and

Member of EO Chicago

Always put one foot in front of another. Keep chipping away and pushing forward no matter how daunting things may get. Hard work pays off. As they say, if you don’t fail at something every now and then you may not be trying hard enough.”

- Andrew Pharo, CEO of Cahaba Brewing and

Strategic Alliance Chair of EO Birmingham

“ ‘You have no idea how amazing it’s going to be to see your employees grow personally and professionally.’ This has been my greatest joy in being an entrepreneur. I aggressively invest in people. And seeing them hit their stride, find their passion and thrive in our culture is beyond fulfilling.”

- Tracy Call, founder of Media Bridge Advertising and

Member of EO Minnesota

“Surround yourself with exceptional people and turn them loose. Avoid the temptation to do everything yourself and be everything to everyone. Focus on your strengths and leverage your team.”

- Kevin Tucker, CEO of SOLitude Lake Management and

Member of EO Southeast Virginia

On joining EO

Many of these entrepreneurs found great benefit and opportunity in joining the Entrepreneurs’ Organization. It has helped them in their personal and professional growth as business leaders. Read below how members from various chapters find EO relevant in their entrepreneurial journey.

"Being an EO member for almost 5 years now has been priceless to me. I have learnt to share things I couldn't before - and I didn't know the way to do it! I have gained value from entrepreneurs' experience and not from their advice - and this is the most expensive school! I have served as a Chair in the Chapter - and I have explored new ways of leadership. When I joined EO, I was thinking of it as a high-end business network. After almost 5 years in the EO, I have realized that is just the minimum!"

- Rebecca Pitsika, CEO of People for Business and

Member of EO Greece

“I joined EO because it’s a powerful international community in which I could adopt worldwide perspectives. The most important EO experience for me has been expanding my horizon on different cultures.”

- Aditya Burman, Director of Oncquest Laboratories Ltd and

Member of EO New Delhi

“EO membership inspired me to improve in every aspect of my life and to reach a better version of myself. Encountering fellow entrepreneurs enables us to consult and learn from the experience of others, which sharpens our thinking and motivation. Being part of an international organization like EO enables us to meet with entrepreneurs from around the world who are facing the same challenges, learning & growing together.”

- Galit Bar-Tal, CEO and Owner of Sycamore Group and

Member of EO Israel

“We help each other get through the trials and tribulations of starting businesses, owning businesses, and dealing with the realities of who we are and what it takes to become a successful business entrepreneur.”

- William Palisano, Lincoln Archives & LACyber and

Member of EO Western New York

“EO helped me get my business and personal goals aligned and energized me to grow my business. It has helped me with small things like dealing more efficiently with daily issues and more transformational ones like how to restructure my business to be less dependent on me.”

- Benjamin Knopp, Founder of V Coffee and

Membership Chair of EO Tokyo Metropolitan

How about you? What inspiring entrepreneurial insight can you share with us? We’d like to hear from you through the comments section below.