Liston Newton Advisory

Ways to motivate your staff at work: 5 tips from EO Melbourne Members

One of the factors of a successful business is having a strong and dedicated team that keeps the organisation running like a well-oiled machine. However, no matter how passionate, hardworking and talented your people are, they still experience exhaustion, burnout, boredom, frustration, disappointment and all other things that may slow down or hinder your progress.

Your workforce is an important asset of your business. It is just fitting that you look after their welfare and keep them motivated at work to inspire them to do their best, perform well and hit their targets. EO Melbourne members share various ways on how to encourage your team members and inspire them to keep going.

EO: A strong business support system during challenging times

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

A few years back, no one has ever imagined that we would be experiencing this tough global crunch that we have today. Every corner of the world has been affected by the pandemic, affecting many industries and economies. It is undeniable that it has also taken a lot of toll on business owners.

On trends and predictions: how it will help chart your business growth

Setting targets and goals is an important part of keeping a business running. It provides the team with the direction of where the company is heading and allows them to come up with strategies based on the objective set. Looking ahead may include forecasting, which helps gauge if the target is attainable and feasible within the given timeframe and resources on hand.

Entrepreneurs prepare for the future by looking at trends and coming up with a prognosis of what is to happen. EO Members share how they keep themselves updated on the latest trend in their industry.

Entrepreneurs' biggest lesson learned in 2020

The year 2020 may be one of the most challenging times that everyone, including entrepreneurs, has experienced. Despite the hardships we experienced due to COVID-19 that has disrupted many lives, the hurdles and struggles have also brought us a lot of lessons and learnings, especially to business owners who have to survive for their teams, families, customers and other stakeholders.

EO Members share the biggest lesson they learned from the previous year, with the hope of taking their learnings with them as they move forward in their entrepreneurial journey.

Music Makes Better Entrepreneurs

How has music played in your personal and entrepreneurial journey? For some, it helps relieve them of stress while others use it to pump some energy into their day.

Entrepreneurs live busy lives as it is, which are often filled with stress and pressure from various angles. With the challenges that the current crisis brings and the uncertainty that the future beholds, they need more than ever to turn to methods and solutions that can contribute to their mental health. Music is one tool that brings energy to a lethargic mind and respite to a weary soul.

Let’s get a closer look at WeTeachMe Founder Kym Huynh, Koh Living Director Tui Cordemans, Liston Newton Advisory Director John Liston, and Marketing Melodies CEO and Founder Dean Cherny on the role music has played in their lives.