Nyree Hibberd

Mentorship is having someone walk with you on your entrepreneurial journey

Much has been said about the entrepreneurial journey being a lonesome path, but not when you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals, such as being part of a group like EO and having someone to walk with you, such as a mentor, for instance.

This is how EO Melbourne Member and mentee Nyree Hibberd, CEO at Koh Living, and mentor Conor O’Malley, a known Executive Coach who calls himself “The CEO’s caddy”, described their mentorship experience.

Building your team through a strong corporate culture

Having a strong and desirable corporate culture helps attract and retain good talents who perhaps share the same values with you and the people in your organisation. Every company has its own culture, and although not all corporate cultures are perfect, there’s something about it that draws the right individuals to your business.

Paying it forward in the entrepreneurial journey

In the challenging entrepreneurial path, where sometimes the roads are unpaved, being on the receiving end of an act of kindness is a huge help. It can often go a long way, especially for those who are just starting on their journey. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have been recipients of a good deed at some point in their lives, and so they are paying this forward to others as well.

How do you communicate bad news to your clients?

In every business, there are times when things take a different turn and projects can often head south, may it be due to human error, unforeseen circumstances, or uncontrollable situations. When things go awry, how do you break the bad news to your clients?

There are different approaches to it, depending on your client’s characteristics and your relationship with them. A few entrepreneurs share with us their experience and how they tackle the problem when the situation calls for it.

We asked the question: As an entrepreneur, how do you practice diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

Having a diverse workforce and ensuring the inclusion of everyone within an organisation – regardless of race, gender or beliefs – help grow a company’s corporate culture, enhance one’s competitive edge and contribute to its bottom line. If you want to learn how to uphold diversity and inclusion in the workplace, read the stories and tips from Anou Khanijou, Director of IFOTA Group and Managing Director of anouconcept; Anthony Holdstock, Partner at Sharp & Carter; Nyree Hibberd, CEO of Koh Living; and Costa Vasili, CEO and Founder of EthnoLink.

Nyree Hibberd: bringing meaning and beauty through her business

Gift-giving is part of our way of life from days old. People give gifts for every occasion, especially this time of the year when the holiday season is fast approaching. But selecting an item as a present is not as easy as grabbing anything available on the shelf or adding the first product you see online to your virtual shopping cart. It helps when you can find something that has meaning to people and society and give it to those who mean most to you. That is the core of Koh Living, the business that Nyree Hibberd and her business partner put up several years ago.