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How Melbourne Business Owners find opportunities in difficult situations

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” — Maya Angelou

Successful entrepreneurs get to where they are now because of their determination to reach their goals, which includes braving the odds and overcoming hurdles. The recent global scenarios in the past two to three years have been very challenging. Many business leaders have looked into finding opportunities under tough situations. But how do you do it?

How to keep your team inspired at work

The lockdowns imposed during the pandemic have pushed many businesses to manage their teams remotely. Now that restrictions are easing up and things are having a semblance of normalcy, some have embraced the “new normal” with people going back to face-to-face activities but with certain safety protocols imposed. Others still work from home, while there are others that adapt hybrid work arrangements.

Strengthening your 2iC as a way of strengthening your business

One of the long-term goals of many business owners is for them to, later on, be more focused ON the business rather than be IN the business. This means that they evolve from doing job execution and daily operations to heavily leaning towards setting strategic directions and vision achievement of the company. To do so, entrepreneurs have to free certain space on their plate so that they can concentrate on growing their business. This is where having an effective 2iC becomes helpful.

Best practices on building good teamwork while working remotely

In this era of working remotely, getting your team to stay constantly connected and build a stronger relationship and dynamics is important to keep everyone going and motivated. The big question, however, is how? What are the things you need to do to enable you and your team to work together to achieve your business goals despite the challenges and limitations of distance and time?