Mentorship success story: Tom Harley and Anthony Dobbyn

The entrepreneurial path is no easy feat – the complex and ever-changing business landscape can be quite critical to navigate and manoeuvre. For Tom Harley, Founder and CEO of Harley & Sons Roofing, “Having the right mentor is an invaluable part of success, whether it's fulfilling your personal or business goals.”

Through EO Melbourne’s Mentorship Program, Tom is grateful to have found a mentor in Anthony Dobbyn, Director – Corporate Advisory Services of Dobbyn + Carafa, whom he fondly refers to as ‘Dobbo’. Tom says that being paired with Anthony was the perfect fit. Aside from the solace he finds whenever they get together, he appreciates how Anthony brings the best out of him.

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“Dobbo isn't about ‘Hey, call me, I'll give you the answers.’ Though I wish it was like that sometimes, it's quite the opposite. It's more of ‘Yes, let’s find out.’ Then he digs the answers from me. He taps on my reserved knowledge and potential. He urges me to become self-reliant in the sense that I take responsibility for finding the right answers. He encourages me to delve deeper rather than only seeing what’s on the surface. And I think that's a remarkable skill set of his – from his 20 more years as a senior executive and an entrepreneur himself, as well as a member of TEC. All those things combined come into play and result in the power of being a great mentor,” Tom remarked.

Business and professional development

Among the many things they discussed during their mentoring sessions, Tom was on the lookout for new concepts of advancing and achieving positive business outcomes. “One of those was how an advisory board works, and that's something where I'm still evolving with Dobbo’s support. Our discussions and initial meetings around this have helped me grasp the concept and contemplate on how I want and need to move forward to scale,” Tom recalled.

Their dynamic relationship has also helped Tom develop his leadership skills. “As the CEO, I now understand the kind of leader I want to be – wise and fair. I’ve put my emotional intelligence to work, and I always make sure that I've got the CEO hat on in the office and not the emotional business owner. It’s great receiving positive feedback from the team that there has been a positive change in my leadership style.”

Moreover, it’s not just Tom who’s learning from his mentor. Anthony said that it’s the same for him. “I think our mentor-mentee rapport is a two-way street of upsides. So, it's not just me mentoring Tom because I know everything. It's not like that. I feel like I want to be there for Tom, and if he has questions or needs support or help, I've just got a take on it. It may not necessarily be the right take, and he might speak to other people and get their opinions, but by the same token, it's not just one way. He helps me reinforce what I already know and paves way for new learnings. Sky’s the limit when it comes to knowledge – you can never have too much. I certainly don't know everything, and a lot of things we’ve discussed has sparked new interests in me,” Anthony shared.

Personal and daily life

Their conversations have provided them insights that helped not only their professional advancement but also other facets of their personal lives. Anthony commented, “I know a lot about Tom's personal objectives as well. The good thing about Tom is that he's very open about that side of his life. I think it's great because it gives me the context of what's important to him. I know what's driving him. I know he's a family man always putting Aliesha and Harper first.”

Anthony added, “I come from a different generation. When I was Tom's age and I was coming up through the ranks in a large accounting firm, I didn't always say ‘no’ to work and other interruptions to family time. So, when Tom says phone down, it occurred to me that I should have done that. I should have had the courage to do that when I was his age and going through the same stuff. It’s what I've learned from him.”

And while they share about the different aspects of their lives, Tom also picks some inspirational pieces or words of wisdom from Anthony. “I heard this from Dobbo several times and I use it in my daily life, whether it's in business or outside. You see, whenever there's an issue or a problem in front of me, what I used to do was tend to point a finger. But whenever you're pointing a finger, there are always three fingers coming back at you. So, I think what I learned from Dobbo was to ask myself how am I contributing to this situation. Just that statement alone is incredibly powerful to practice on a daily basis.”

Professional and personal growth are intertwined

Tom believes that both personal and professional growth go hand-in-hand. “I guess if I hadn't met Dobbo, I wouldn’t have progressed this fast. Learning and connecting with Dobbo helped me break through a stalled phase in business. I have been going home less-stressed, clear-headed, more patient, happier and empathetic to my partner. The professional growth I have been experiencing has translated to a much deeper impact on my personal relationships – they are intertwined that way. I am a different leader to last year.” This is one of the many reasons why Tom sees mentorship as a valuable tool in achieving success in one’s entrepreneurial journey.

For Anthony, whose experience as an entrepreneur has brought him many lessons, becoming a mentor is his way of giving back. “When you've had a lot of life experience, the most rewarding thing that you can do is to help someone. When I first started my professional journey, I wrote on a piece of paper that all I wanted to do was help others. The driving reason is that giving is far better than receiving. It is just a very good feeling, to see that you've contributed to someone who is kicking goals and developing as a person and as a business. I’m glad I have known Tom and I’m glad that he’s in my life.”

This is the beauty of mentorship. It serves as a compass in one’s entrepreneurial track, helping in providing directions and guiding one towards the path of success.