President's Update - April 2021

From the President

Dear EO Melbourne,

I am writing this President Update having just chaired the bi-monthly Moderators meeting where I was listening to stories of how well forums are running and the amazing peer-to-peer support occurring to help each other move forward together. It is great to hear about forums planning their retreats in locations like Queenstown in New Zealand (yes the travel bubble has arrived!) and the Northern Territory, focused on meeting forum members' personal and business development goals. The general discussion was around how connected everyone was feeling within their forums.

Brené Brown is a research professor in the US who writes and speaks on courage, vulnerability shame and empathy. One of her quotes that really resonated with me is: “I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” My hope is that you are all experiencing this level of connectedness within your forums, and as a Chapter, we will continue to champion this with events like the upcoming “Member Connect Night Out” which is all about fostering Chapter-wide connections.

I am looking forward to taking over officially as EO Melbourne Chapter President at the June hand-over Gala celebration. In the meantime, I will continue to see out the theme for our year being "Lead With Hope". I look forward to introducing our new theme at our Gala celebration. It gives me immense pleasure and a sense of pride to be leading this awesome chapter. I am excited about working with a talented board that are sacrificing their time to ensure we advance the chapter and grow together. We have so many exciting experiences being planned for the Chapter. On that note, I refer you to these links regarding renewal details (Membership Renewals | Accelerator Renewals) and encourage you all to continue this EO journey in what will be an exciting year you will not want to miss.

Warmest regards, 

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Socrates Capouleas, Finance Chair and Forum Chair, 2020/2021
President 2021/2022