
How Melbourne Business Owners find opportunities in difficult situations

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” — Maya Angelou

Successful entrepreneurs get to where they are now because of their determination to reach their goals, which includes braving the odds and overcoming hurdles. The recent global scenarios in the past two to three years have been very challenging. Many business leaders have looked into finding opportunities under tough situations. But how do you do it?

These 3 entrepreneurs made an effective pivot during the pandemic

Solution Entertainment Director Brad Hampel, WooHah Productions Creative Director Arosh Fernando and ManBrands Creative Director Trent Dyball found that the way to survive during the crisis and manage a business to make it profitable is to pivot. They share their experiences on how they navigated through the pandemic and came up with great wins.

How to pivot a business

During interesting times, such as a global pandemic and an economic crisis, some industries and businesses suffer due to little, no or negative growth. It often happens during normal days as well, when the market does not seem to be enthusiastic about a brand or certain products or offerings. There are several moments when a business hits a plateau or reaches a downward slope. When this occurs, maybe it’s time to revisit your goals and if you need to do a pivot.

Pivoting in the entrepreneurial world

Have you ever walked down a road, so sure of your direction only to find out midway that you’ve taken the wrong path? Even in the entrepreneurial journey, mistakes and change are bound to happen. The initial goal may no longer be viable under the present circumstances, and a crossroad of choices appears before you. You can give up, continue with your original intent but with a few tweaks, go back to the beginning and redo things, or pivot and make a major overhaul of your business.