8 things to do while in isolation

The current global health situation has forced people to stay in their respective quarters, halting many activities around the world. But it is not only during times of quarantine when one has to go into isolation. There are many instances where one has to be on his own, may it be during travels or even to take extreme measures.


However, having some “me” time is something that every entrepreneur must enjoy. It allows business owners to recharge, think things through with clarity and step back to see the bigger picture that is often missed by the mundane day-to-day activities. But what happens when being isolated stretches for a longer period like how it is now?

For one, being away from the office or even your loved ones is not an excuse to cut off any form of communication with your team or family. Modern-day technology allows you to keep in touch with them and still do a lot of work remote and virtually. Nowadays, there are several platforms that you can use for online meetings. The only caveat is when you’re done with work and boredom sets in. What are you going to do? We have listed eight suggested activities to not only keep your preoccupied but also help you grow while you are in isolation.

Finish a book about business

This is a good time to immerse yourself in reading materials that can inspire you and give you life and business lessons. You can start by reading the biographies of successful entrepreneurs and businessmen. Learn some insights and be inspired by women business leaders who penned their books. If you want to brush up on your persuasion and negotiation skills, this list of books may also be a good recommendation.

Complete a jigsaw puzzle or a creative project

Being cooped indoors or away from others can be an opportunity for you to channel your creative energies and express them through a project. With more time in your hands, you can complete a jigsaw puzzle and even learn how to apply the insights from jigsaw puzzles to running a business. You can also get into painting, sketching, lego building or indoor gardening. It will hone your mind to see tiny details and allow you to visualise the big picture. How about checking out some of these hobbies that may sharpen your thoughts?

Do some DIY crafts or carpentry work

If there’s anything that needs fixing in your home or area, you can do some carpentry work or do-it-yourself crafts. You can create small cabinets that you can use in your work area or small useful accessories that you can put on your desk or something for your family and kids. DIY crafts can teach you how to become resourceful and transforming simple items into practical uses.

Watch videos about business or do a movie marathon

It’s time to binge-watch and finish that movie or TV series you’ve been wanting to see. But if you want something that can be close to home when it comes to entrepreneurship, these 10 movies might be helpful. Apart from films, you can also try watching these YouTube channels that are apt for business owners.

Organise your stuff

Go through your files or things and see which ones to keep and throw away. Keep your work area, even at home, always neat and tidy. Organise your documents, both the physical stuff and your digital copies. Sometimes, you’ll find something useful now that you’ve kept hidden for a long time. Check out some Mari Kondo methods and see what you can apply to your home. Check out also other areas of your life that may need to be decluttered.

Learn a foreign language

In our globalised world, learning another new language may be valuable in communicating with other cultures. Some online apps and websites will enable you to take language lessons. Knowledge of a foreign language or more, even just the basic words and phrases, can take you places, literally and figuratively.

Write an article or reflection

Put your thoughts into written words. Later on, you may be able to utilise your writings for your marketing, blog, speeches, podcasts, interviews or avenues where you will be able to share your thoughts and musings. It’s also a good exercise of self-reflection and remembering areas in your life that could be a source of inspiration for others.

Play an online game

Treat that inner child in you through an online game. Give yourself a break and have some fun moments even when you’re by yourself. If you want to nurture that entrepreneurial spirit within you and release your business prowess through a game, consider these online games about starting and growing a business. Who knows, you might just emerge as one of the top players in these games.

Just look around you and there are plenty of things to do. But then again, don’t forget to rest or sleep, which is very important for business owners like you. You’ll never know when you’ll be back in your normal working environment and routine so take your isolation as an opportunity to recharge your body, mind and soul.